Contributor Spotlight: Margaret Karmazin

“Curses, Foiled Again” by Margaret Karmazin appeared in Issue 37 and can be found here.

We’d love to learn more about this story.

I have been fascinated by and read probably hundreds of books, reports and articles about alien abductions, along with once belonging to a UFO group in which one person claimed to be an abductee. I myself have experienced a couple of borderline strange things which could possibly point to such an experience, but not enough to worry about it or conduct further research. Nevertheless, my fascination continues and I have written more than one story involving such things with a humorous slant, not to make fun of abductees, but on the contrary, to try and take some of the tension off.

What was the most difficult part in writing this story?

Nothing was difficult. The story flowed right out of me.

Recommend a book for us which was published within the last decade.

I am reading all of Jonathan Franzen’s novels, so Crossroads would be an example. My favorite writers to relax to are British authors from mid 20th century. I also have this one going on my Kindle: Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby. Funny.

If you could have a drink with any living author, who would it be? Why?

Jonathan Franzen. I love his novels. He really understands people and for a man, can write a woman pretty well. Not perfectly, but closer than most male writers.

What are you working on now? What’s next?

I am writing a literary/mainstream short story about a widower and an annoying person he meets at his gym.

Our thanks to Margaret for taking the time to answer a few questions and share this story. Read “Curses, Foiled Again” here:


Margaret Karmazin’s credits include stories published in literary and SF magazines, including Rosebud, Chrysalis Reader, North Atlantic Review, Mobius, Confrontation, Pennsylvania Review, The Speculative Edge, Aphelion, and Another Realm. Her stories in The MacGuffin, Eureka Literary Magazine, Licking River Review, and Mobius were nominated for Pushcart awards. She has stories included in several SF anthologies, published a YA novel, Replacing Fiona, a children’s book, Flick-Flick & Dreamer, and a collection of short stories, Risk.