Poetry by Lois Marie Harrod


Read More: A Brief Interview with Lois Marie Harrod


the way grade-school projectors
reversed films to giggles—
swimming pools tossing boys
back up onto the diving board, straws
sucking milkshakes from pretty mouths
into an empty glass—
though physicists explain undoing time is possible,
just extremely complicated,
The war against entropy
almost as futile as the war of forfeit and forget.
So many paradoxes to mend
once the egg smatters on the tile floor
and spends its splendid yolk.
What could you say now
that would make me feel as I did
before you said it?
Perhaps something about
the permanence of memory
with its own laws of physic?
I too have reeled off things
I can’t rewind. Won’t.
They seemed that true when I said them.



Every Single Thing Becomes a Word
Todas las cosas son palabras – Jorges Luis Borges,“Compass”

My mother was no relativist. God sifted
atoms for our bread, she would have said if she had
that tip of tongue, bit she was a believer, creed and flour,
and made white cake instead of simile. […]

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Upon Hearing Lines of Lu Yu through Water

Fish wend upstream, minnow
intervening.  Sweet go.

Fins flower. Rage, snaggle-eared
and torn, the streaming page.

The guitar frets, lines
tighten the fleetwood sea […]

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Lois Marie Harrod’s most recent collection Nightmares of the Minor Poet appears in June from Five Oaks. Her chapbook And She Took the Heart appeared in January 2016, and her 13th and 14th poetry collections, Fragments from the Biography of Nemesis (Cherry Grove Press) and the chapbook How Marlene Mae Longs for Truth (Dancing Girl Press) appeared in 2013. She is widely published in literary journals and online ezines from American Poetry Review to Zone 3. She teaches Creative Writing at The College of New Jersey. Links to her online work at www.loismarieharrod.org.

Read More: A Brief Interview with Lois Marie Harrod