Poetry from Richard Weaver

Read More: A brief interview with Richard Weaver

Victor Hugo

Always the light. Always the shadows.
Always this moment or the next.

I am surrounded by lights. And sounds.
Mostly annoying. Lights and sounds

that shake me. Call me towards doors
opening to stairwells that are vague

horizons, neither negative or positive.
Calling me away from my island exile.

Beckoning singularities of “black light.”




Leonard “Chico” Marx

Fools! They tell me I am dying.
A joke dies, especially an old one
but I am not that old, or ready
to die. Not today. I have a card game
scheduled with the boys on the third floor.
Taking their money will keep me alive.
You wait and see. They say you can’t cheat […]

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Karl Heinrich Marx

As a fool who has written more than enough, and said even more,
who better to know less about last words than I? I could say

the class struggle is not a dance, not a recipe, or a forecast for harvests.
But what would be the point? My time has come and you, it seems,

my housekeeper and witness, are my amanuensis. My chronicler.
I say this without compunction, or opium, fully aware that they be […]

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Richard Weaver resides in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor where he volunteers at the Maryland Book Bank, and acts as the Archivist-at-large for a Jesuit College founded in 1830. His publications include Crazyhorse, LRR, NAR, Poetry, BWR, NER, Southern Quarterly, and the ubiquitous Elsewhere. 

Read More: A brief interview with Richard Weaver